Fish Girl by Donna Jo Napoli, illustrated by and coauthored with David Wiesner

fish girlLovely graphic novel about a mermaid, Mira, who’s being kept in a building sized, boardwalk aquarium by a controlling man, who calls himself King Neptune. Her only friend is an octopus.  He charges for visits and claims that he rescued her.

Fish Girl is told to only give glimpses of herself in order to encourage people to throw in coins  He also threatens her by telling her that if she is seen scientists will take her away and kill her. A young girl spots her, keeps returning and persists in finding  Fish Girl. They become friends and gradually Fish Girl realizes that she is a prisoner and that the man is not Neptune, that it’s all a show. Though ending though is somewhat abrupt, it’s a wonderful story about a lonely but brave, not quite girl.

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